Back and renewed!

Published on 1 December 2021 at 08:00

Firstly, I am excited to be back with all of you with a new image, a new website and a new knee (little joke, but true as my left knee was getting so bad it required surgery).

Everything affected me, making an impact and intruding on writing for you, not only blogs, but novels as well.  Writing has to be approached like a job, even when to me it is a passion, which started as a hobby, it is important to set a routine.

I have a beautiful desk where I write, which was a lovely gift from my beloved husband, and it is true that, currently recovering from that knee operation I find it hard to sit there for any length of time yet. However, when I can sit there, I turn the music down so that it is background noise, and aim to write for at least an hour a day, everyday.

If words are flowing, it may go on longer. If I am struggling with a certain piece, I don’t beat myself up, or sit there struggling, I put it away for as long as I need.

Sometimes we just need some time out to let the mind work out any problem we might have, every person has a different way to solve them. We all need time to relax and rejuvenate, my favorite times are when we meet my brother and his partner at our favorite coffee shop, Cafetería Leo’s, Antas, or going out for a drive with the top down in our Fiat Barchetta, scouting new locations for scenes in my books 

Life is too short to get frustrated by events or things we can’t change, what’s important is to face life with a positive attitude. So, no more excuses! I am back !

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3 years ago

Great news! Hope your knee is better than new! We are waiting for your next book! Regards!