A Tale of Two Villages
The autobiography of my move from UK to Spain

This story is the true account of my move from the UK to Spain, recounting the process of the move as a single woman and the people I met along the way. The book tells of my personal experiences, together with anecdotes of occurrences and descriptions of the places, people and food of Spain. The title comes from the fact that the first half of the book is concerned with my move to the region of Extremadura and the second half accounts my move to Almeria and the reasons for the change.
An interesting and enjoyable read. The authors love for Spain is almost tangible throughout the book. My only minor criticism is that sometimes it reads a bit disjointed. But then you have to remember that this is essentially a diary which has been converted into a book and is therefore not going to flow as well as a novel. I would be interested to read further should the author carry on with a follow-up to this. I hope she does.
A very witty account of a lady setting up a new life in Spain. The friendliness of the village people and their helpful laid back approach to life and day to day living. What a delight to read thank you Christine.
A detailed diary read which gives a precise view of the Spanish Costas as it is today well done. Thank you!
I enjoyed this book as not many people write about moving to 'the real Spainish areas'. I got the impression that the author wouldn't want to be followed or found by other Brits wanting to do the same thing in the same places and I felt I was correct in this assumption when I got to the end of book and she was moving on, but not saying where to. This is completely understandable. The fact I'd like to read it again in the future is a good sign. Recommended read if the subject interests you.
I've always been interested in reading books based on real life and moving abroad, I really enjoyed this one, probably the best ex-pat book published. I enjoyed the honesty of the author and all the small details a lot of authors leave out, very informative.
One day I shall visit the areas mentioned in the book and revert back to the authors memoirs.
Really hope the author writes more books, very enjoyable
This book is a joy to read and the writer should continue to express her self, she has the gift.
Thoroughly lovely book to read.
An entertaining read, especially for an ex-pat like me. Many “Ah Yes” moments when the author describes the antics of dodgy estate agents and even dodgier builders!
The book contains much useful advice for the would be ex-pat on researching an area before visiting and then renting for a time to see what it’s really like.
My advice to visitors from the UK to my area of Andalucía is simple.
1. To set your watch, go forward 1 hour and back 30 years!
2. Repeat after me, “There is NO such thing as health and safety in Spain”. I have witnessed many times men cutting tiles with a disc cutter while balancing them with their feet. It’s OK though, ‘cause they’re wearing regulation issue flip flops!
3. Forget “where there’s blame there’s a claim”, if you have a trip or a fall the only compensation you’ll get is the laughter of onlookers.
My favourite expression is “You don’t HAVE to mad to live here, but it helps!
I look forward to the sequel.