How do you arrange your day-to-day planning? I am an inveterate note taker! On the fridge we have a magnetic whiteboard that can be written on and erased. We use that for jobs that are not urgent but need to be done, sometime. Then we have a weekly piece of paper, always the back of an envelope or other piece of paper we re-use, which has jobs to be done that week.
Then we have the digital planning, good old Google Calendar on which we record anything and everything! From birthdays and anniversaries to doctor’s appointments, fiestas and lunches. However, our favourite dates on Google Calendar are our holidays, which we look forward to so much! In fact we enjoy them so much that, although we are currently five weeks away from our summer holiday, we are already planning our Christmas holiday and even thinking about where we shall go for our anniversary/ my birthday weekend next year! It’s lovely having things to look forward to, isn’t it?
But something perhaps even more important are my plans as an author.
As I have previously mentioned I have cancelled my contract with the vanity press, Austin Macaulay, so my first priority was to self-publish the e-book on Amazon Kindle, which I managed to do on the 2nd of June.
Now John and I are working on the paperback, which is not quite so easy! We want it to be perfect, so it’s a lot of work tweaking the text so it appears correct and professional. However, it’s the cover that is causing the biggest problem. We think we have it right now, but we need time, to plan a few hours when we are not busy with something else, to concentrate and upload it, then checking that it looks perfect!
So that will be available soon, and then the next stage in this relaunch plan is to publish on other platforms such as Apple Books, and perhaps Barnes and Noble. Now some big news! I am currently having the book “A Woman Scorned” translated into Spanish, which I am very excited about.
Would you like some more exciting news? In my blog published in January about resolutions I stated that I would get book two published this year. Well, here we are back to plans, and my plan is that, as soon as we return from holiday, “O What a Tangled Web!” will be my priority, and I intend publishing it this autumn.
So, yes, I do plan, a lot. Are plans important to you, and are a scribbled note type or a digital planner, or both, like me?
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