Our weekend, because of John’s work, is Sunday and Monday. Normally we do work around the house, or chores on the Sunday and then, on the Monday we will do the weekly shop.
However, last weekend we had a very busy weekend which resulted in us going shopping for food etc. on Tuesday morning.
Sometime last year we made contact with a couple who were going to move to Spain to live. The way we got into contact was through a Facebook page that John runs, called Barchetta España. The gentleman, who we got to know as Terry chatted with John regarding bringing his Barchetta over, and other matters in regard to moving.
Eventually, once they were over here, we met up with them, and now Terry and Mave are good friends of ours, they have even joined the lunch club.
Last Sunday there was a classic car show, so we decided to take the two Barchettas. Travelling down to the coast at Mojácar it was a little cool, but very soon after we arrived at the site it warmed up and coats were discarded and we walked around the other cars in our t-shirts, not bad for January!
After a few hours we drove up to Mojácar Pueblo, as Terry and Mave had not been there before. There was a strong police presence going up the road, and we were diverted to the side road going up, which was just as well as it was actually the road we needed for the parking.
Up the top, in the square we understood the presence of police as there was a cycle race on. The best part of that square is the mirador, or viewpoint. You can see for miles, over to the sea at Garrucha and Vera, round to inland at an almost 180°.
We stopped for a drink, then decided to return to the cars and go to our favourite Chinese restaurant, down on the coast. However, it was not that easy, the cycle race seemed to dog our every move, but eventually after a few diversions, a complete change of direction and a traffic jam, about the only one I have been in here in Spain, we reached the restaurant and had a delicious meal.
Returning home I realised we had been out over seven hours! We spent the rest of the day and evening quietly resting! However, the next day we were off again, not in the Barchetta this time, John and I went up to Lorca, which is about a forty-minute drive.
We had a piggy bank, well shouldn’t really call it a piggy bank as it was shaped like an owl. We would put any 1,2 and 5 cent coins in it. After a couple of years, it filled up, so we smashed it. Banks used to take these coins, but do not anymore. The supermarket Carrefour in Lorca has a machine that counts the money, and after taking a deduction for commission, gives you a voucher, which you can cash in, or use towards your purchases in the store.
It seemed a good enough reason to go to Lorca, especially as John needed shoes and a jumper for work. So, we went there, bought all John needed, and a jumper for me, and a few other odds and ends.
Shopping completed our next mission was to find a bar that did tapas, which we did. Then we had a coffee, but not just any coffee, but an asiático, which is a specialty of Murcia. They put condensed milk in the bottom of a special glass, then licor 43 (an orange liqueur), then brandy, topped with espresso and foamed milk. A dusting of cinnamon, a sliver of orange peel and two coffee beans complete the delicious drink. A lovely conclusion to our shopping trip and to our busy weekend.
Oh well, next Sunday is the first of our town’s fiestas, do I feel another busy weekend coming on ?
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